Friday, August 04, 2006

Small Business Success Resources – Five key ingredients to have successful Business

The five crucial needs for a small business are:

1. Idea – You might feel that you want to start business, but not have idea about what that business should be. By analyzing your daily activities, you will find a potential business concept. The key is that idea must be generated from somewhere; otherwise it is impossible to start a business.

2. Knowledge and Experience – Many people attempt to enter a field in which they have extremely limited experience. Experience means seeing the operation form the inside, knowing the different aspects that make the business tick. Knowledge is critical to success, and I cannot emphasize the experiential aspect of business success strongly enough. Before you enter in the business spend time in the field that you are contemplating. Take this advice serious.

3. Capital – Many businesses fail because they do not have sufficient start-up and operating capital. You might have the best idea in the world, but without the necessary funding, the idea should never have become more than a business plan.

4. Battle Plan – This means to have clear personal and business goals as well as objectives, and a realistic time frame in which to meet those targets, is essential to the success of a new venture. The battle plan very often takes the format of a business plan. It should be as comprehensive as possible. The creation of business plan does require time, energy and efforts. Even with clearly defined goals and objectives, success will be difficult to achieve, but without them, success remains unlikely.

5. Market – For starting a successful business, you must have people who desire your product or service. You have to make the market realize that your business exists with the product or service the public needs. The main point of this idea is that a demand must exist for your product or service.

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